All the Thanksgiving preparation in the world won't help if your oven runs 45°F higher than you think. And when it comes to the precise temperatures required in holiday baking, you need to know exactly what your oven means when it says 425°F. Square DOT's Average Mode automatically calculates the 15-minute running average temperature of your appliance so you can perfect those holiday treats.
Square DOT's Average Mode shows you a revolving average temperature calculation of the last 15 minutes, starting when the alarm is first reached. It’s perfect for determining your oven temperature as you cook, so you can adjust in real time to get the most accurate results for any recipe.
Just because the air in the oven hits your desired temp doesn't mean all the metal and insulation have. The temperature oscillations will be larger until your entire oven is "heat soaked," which is why Average Mode is a much more effective way of understanding and gauging a full oven preheat.
Thermapen® ONE is an excellent pair with Square DOT for spot checking your final temperature, especially with baking, where you don't often use a leave in probe. With sub-second readings and accuracy to ± 0.5°F, Thermapen ONE lets you know when those rolls are done without guessing based on color or smell.
Nothing beats homemade pumpkin pie with tender, flaky crust made from scratch. But sometimes the crust is soggy, or the pie filling gets overbaked and cracked because you can’t tell when it’s done. So how do you avoid soggy crust and overcooked pie filling? It’s all about temperature.
"I use my Thermapen almost every time I cook—especially when I’m grilling or to spot check a smoked pork butt. My original Thermapen was a Christmas gift from my dad years ago, and it is still in use . . . Having a new Thermapen ONE will allow me to put my trusty Thermapen into semi-retirement. It still works, but it has been used pretty hard over the years, and I’ve been wanting to replace it with the newest version."
We love to hear stories of a well-used Thermapen, and we're excited for Mark to see the speed, accuracy, and design upgrades of our latest model. Keep grilling!
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741 E. Utah Valley Dr. American Fork, Utah 84003 United States 801-756-7705