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Savings valid only on the harney .com website while supplies last until December 2, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Coupon valid on a single order to a single address.
Savings and special offers may not be applied to prior purchases. Items marked down in the sale collection are not eligible for returns, refunds or exchanges. Promotions exclude sample sizes. Discounts cannot be combined. Discounts cannot be used for gift cards unless specifically marked. Coupons exclude custom gift wrap, mystery bundles, gift cards and subscriptions unless otherwise noted. Only one coupon may be applied per order. Gift with purchase offers do not apply to in-app or phone purchases and are not valid with the purchase of a gift card. Loyalty store credit cannot be redeemed for subscriptions; however, subscriptions do earn loyalty store credit. Store credit earned expires 24 months after issuance.