Is your dog holding you hostage? 🤢
Badlands Ranch sent this email to their subscribers on
January 29, 2025.
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Stinky dog breath is the worrrrrrrst.
You could be curled up on the couch with your furry friend, happy as can be…
Then suddenly, it’s like you’re being held hostage in a stinky poop-breath cloud. 🤢
And while a lot of people might think dogs just naturally have stinky breath…
It can ACTUALLY be a sign something’s wrong in your dog’s body.
And left unchecked, these issues can have a major impact on your dog’s overall health.
Now, you don’t need to panic right away —
Because bad breath could also simply mean you need to change up your pup’s toothbrushing schedule.
That’s why my team and I made this handy-dandy guide to stinky dog breath, which can help you discover the cause of your dog’s funky breath.
Inside, you’ll find:The top 3 causes of bad dog breath and what they ACTUALLY mean for your pup’s health (Some of them are serious warning signs)A step-by-step guide for the REAL way you should brush your dog’s teeth — turns out a lot of people get it wrongThe 6 best things to try… for when you’ve tried everything and still can’t beat your dog’s rank breath. (There’s a great tip in there about carrots.)At the end of the day, I know your primary goal is to support every aspect of your dog’s health…
Which is why this guide is ESSENTIAL for your pup’s dental — and overall — health.
So go ahead and click here to give it a read (you can even print it off, if you want to keep it on-hand).
Then, breathe easy (no pun intended)...
Because your pup’s stinky breath has met its match. 😉
To your dog’s health,
Katherine Heigl
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