P.S. Looking to purchase 50 units or more? I’m here to help with that!
Here are some ways we can work together:
I can save you money. I offer exclusive bulk discounts for your church. Discounts start at 50 units, with a 50% discount and free shipping. This discount isn’t limited to just one item or product; you and other members of your staff can place an order together to take advantage of the discount and get 50% (or more) off your entire order.
I can save you time. I'm available to you when you're making resource decisions and anytime you have questions about our books and Bibles. I can help you navigate the various church resources we offer and help you quickly make the best choice for your congregation.
I can pray for you. I want you to know there is a real person behind this email! As a youth pastor of over 13 years, I know that the work you do is hard for many reasons. As much as I want to help you find the right resources for your church, I want to support you in prayer even more. Feel free to reach out and I’ll be honored to walk with you in prayer.
Our goal isn’t just to be the provider of Bibles, Bible studies, and books for you, but also to be the Aaron and Hur when those moments are needed, just like in Exodus 17:12-13.
I’m here to help you…
I’m here to walk with you…
I’m here to hold your hands up!
So let's talk! Click below and schedule 10 minutes with me to see how I can save you time and money today.
God Bless,
ChurchSource Account Manager
p: 615-902-2154